NCR VOYIX logo on a white background

During my time at NCR VOYIX, I created a comprehensive database connecting employee roles, major clients, and the research repository, streamlining the design processes by providing swift access to project data. Leveraging this database, I improved a warehouse management interface by tailoring it to user needs and insights.


UI/UX Designer, Part-time & Intern


Kate Womick (Manager)
Berri Berto
Ava Lamb


8 months


Figma, Airtable

Airtable database with table header and body content

“Who do I contact again for this project? I have a workshop with the client soon!”

the problem

The lack of centralized system led to significant challenges in accessing project data, particularly related to past collaborations with major clients. This hindered the research and design team’s productivity as valuable time was lost in search for relevant information and insights.

Figjam board filled with information ecosystem
Figjam board filled with information ecosystem

The initial ecosystem was chaotic—an array of disjointed files scattered across various platforms. Figjam boards lacked links to crucial interview insights from a project months prior. Personal Figma drafts were absent from the NCR library. Microsoft Sharepoint files led to inaccessible personal accounts, while presentations for different workshops were scattered throughout the NCR ecosystem, unconsolidated within outdated databases.

How might we improve information retrieval to increase productivity between the design and research teams?


With these issues in mind, I co-hosted a workshop with Janie Pan to discover what researchers and designers need out of a centralized system. The main questions we wanted to ask were:

  1. How do you currently find information about a project or customer?
  2. What are some of the pain points with said process?
  3. What information would you like that is currently not recorded?
Figjam board of introduction script of workshop
Setting the scene for the workshop
Figjam board of blue post-its about how to find information on customers
How designers and researchers find information on customers currently
Figjam board of red post-its about pain points
Pain points about the process of finding information on customers
Figjam board of yellow post-its about needed customer information
Information designers and researchers wanted about a customer
Figjam board of purple post-its wrapping up the workshop
Final questions related to the databases

From this workshop, I discovered three major issues:

  1. The outdated research repository and customer contact database demanded extensive upkeep, causing delays in researchers inputting their findings. Researchers felt overwhelmed when inputting their findings as the process lacked structure.
  2. Overlapping information within both databases led to confusion and frustration among designers seeking past research or workshop details.
  3. Crucially, designers lacked quick access to customer needs and goals through personas, as this vital information remained disconnected from the databases.
Figjam board with digital post-its
Hosted a workshop and discovered insights based on post-its notes

People wanted to use something familiar with a low learning curve for new users, so I started by comparing pre-existing software and systems that the team was already familiar with.

Airtable base with table headers and body content
Iteration on Airtable with different headers and fake body content

Airtable hit most of the checkboxes that the team needed as it was already a tool that was integrated into their workflow and it can link all the information they needed together. However, one issue I had to tackle was how to make Airtable new-user-friendly.

“Airtable is great for information, but I am so scared of using it because what if I accidentally change or delete something?”


With this concern in mind, I did an A/B test of two different user flows regarding the full database.

Components of UI that are used for testing
Components of UI that are used for testing
final design

With an overwhelming majority favoring the documentation route, our centralized database was ready for launch and upkeep.

Tablet UI of final design
Welcome screen UI, cannot showcase full design due to NDA

In parallel with the creation of the centralized database, I was also designing a finance dashboard for NCR’s customers, specifically for warehouse managers. Because I needed to find information related to the companies and the customer themselves, it was a perfect opportunity to test the new system.

Home page of tablet app
Home page of warehouse management application

During my time at NCR VOYIX, I improved upon invaluable skills that significantly enhanced my quality of work, ranging from learning research methodologies under the guidance of Ava Lamb to delving into service design principles with Berri Berto. One major highlight was presenting my work to the entire company upon project completion. It was immensely gratifying to witness keen interest from both the research and design team, eagerly anticipating the database's launch—an indication of its anticipated value within the organization.

“Is this live now? Does this mean I don’t have to bother Jennifer to find our past projects?”

Poster with 4 columns about an expansive centralized persona database
End of the internship poster showcase

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